257: Staying in Alignment with Your Creativity with Jacquette Timmons
This season’s shows have an intentional focus on inspiring you on your creative and leadership journey. The guests are specifically curated to support multi-passionate, multi-hyphenated women to gather their strength, get clear, and reconnect to their creative wisdom and dreams. Here’s another gem of a conversation with someone who has helped me tremendously with financial perspective and alignment. Join us to learn more!
Jacquette Timmons is a financial behaviorist committed to helping us see that we don’t manage money, but we manage our choices around money. She gives behavior-based financial coaching and lots of good advice that applies to everyone, even if they’ve been in business for a long time. Jacquette’s workshops, keynotes, panels, and work with corporations are in high demand because she brings creativity and a designer mindset to each financial situation.
Music Credit: My good friend Lindsay Katt – https://lindsaykatt.bandcamp.com/track/stick-by-me
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Show Highlights:
Jacquette’s path that merged her love of design and finance
Her vital support system as she was “finding her place”
What it was like to leave high school early to pursue her design dreams and go against society’s norms
How womanhood, motherhood, finances, and creativity differ today compared to what our mothers and grandmothers experienced
Jacquette’s role in working as a “money coach” while supporting and managing her creative energies
What it means to be a financial behaviorist
Jacquette’s perspective on the myth of “the starving artist”
How to deal as an artist with those who accuse you of “selling out” if you become financially successful
How to separate the art and its creativity from the act of selling--and stay in alignment
Why your “art,” no matter what it is, can be life-changing for someone
Jacquette’s recent wisdom about how branding and messaging are wrapped up in knowledge and personality
Why Jacquette’s mother was always her biggest source of inspiration
The best advice Jacquette ever received: From her CPA, “Stop mortgaging your life.”
How Jacquette continues to balance her creative confidence with a beginner’s mindset of always being curious and wanting to learn more
Where Jacquette’s creative dreams are taking her next
Connect with Jacquette:
Jacquette’s Instagram
Find out more about her work and available resources at www.jacquettetimmons.com
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