11 Genius Tips For Loving Your Life & Body

Sometimes a small act can create big changes in your life.Eat a simple food for breakfast that gives you energy instead of zapping it away? The rest of the day will  transform.What small change might transform your life?Choose one or two from the list below — I promise that all of them will make a world of difference.I made this list after asking some Facebook friends and on Twitter: “What’s your best tip that has made your life better and healthier?”The result was a great list of genius ideas. Thank you, friends.Enjoy the passing of 2012.Bring on 2013! 1. “Live a story free life - not fantasy, wish fulfillment, be in your life not what was, or might be. There is a unified energy to things. Have an appreciation for your whole life.”~ Annie Fox, homeopath and host of Anniefoxshow.com 2. “Start the day with a Shake!  Blend a high quality vegan protein powder, unsweetened almond or coconut milk, freshly ground flaxseeds or chia seeds, organic berries & greens for steady sustained energy, great focus and improved fat burning.” ~ JJ Virgin, Celebrity Nutrition & Fitness Expert, New York Times Bestselling Author,  The Virgin Diet  3. “Eating low nutrient foods fuels overeating behavior, flood your cells with nutrients to beat food addictions" ~ Dr. Joel Fuhrman, author of Eat to Live and Super Immunity 4. “Your life will transform the moment you allow yourself to be kind to yourself in your thoughts.” ~  Ariel & Shya Kane, my personal coaches and authors ofHow To Have A Match Made In Heaven 5. “I'm all about Gut Rebuilding so the #1 thing I'd recommend (besides laughing and dancing) is to eat raw-unpasteurized sauerkraut everyday for the natural probiotics and digestion-boosting powers!” ~ Summer Bock, fermentationist, gut health coach, and founder of OlyKraut 6. “Turn off your phone and shutdown the computer. These days it’s way too easy to get sucked into technology and loose track of time. We can spend hours on social media, Internet shopping or seeking some other kind of online simulation. Try to take a technology break at least once a day. During this break take a walk around your neighborhood, write in your journal or dance around your house. Lay low on the technology and recharge your spirit.” ~ Gabrielle Bernstein author of May Cause Miracles  http://gabbyb.tv/may-cause-miracles-earlybird 7. Learn to tell the difference between biological hunger and emotional hunger, cut down your sugar, and stay hydrated. (reader and past client)  ~ Melissa Schumi Jones, Facebook friend and past client 8. “Follow Alex's plan in The Great American Detox. Worked for me, I recommend it to everyone who wants to do something about their weight and eat healthier.” ~ Thanks Suzieann Harts! Reader and Facebook fan 9. “Eat more whole plant foods.”~ Angela Wortley, Facebook fan 10. “Cut down or eliminate sugar and dairy as much as possible! This is super hard for me but I feel a lot better when I follow this rule.” ~Jenni Dillard, Facebook fan 11. “Get a strong support system, a diet buddy. All of the above are great but I have found having someone to cheer with me through the victories and support me through the tough spots makes all the difference in the world.” ~ Sarah Cornsnake, Facebook fan 12. “Start small. Set realistic goals. Know right off the bat that it's going to be a long road.”          ~ Samantha, @Yogitastic  And finally, my own thought: If your goal is happiness, it’s time to focus on the inner game. Stuff like making a difference or contribution to your community, developing richer relationships, personal growth, and making a contribution. You’ve probably seen the Reality-TV outer goals of getting rich, looking “hot,” and being famous that our culture is obsessed with are not your path to fulfillment and joy. Listen to your soul – and connect with the highest version of yourself. It is possible to express that in every moment. And have some FUN with it all. Without the fun, you can’t really enjoy the ride. Enjoy the passing of 2012!Let’s get ready to ROCK 2013! XO,Alex P.S. I'll be offering my most popular program, the 5-Week Rapid Refresh & Reboot again in February!This program has sold out for the last 2 years, so if you're ready to take a leap, go ahead and sign up now:http://alexandrajamieson.com/reboot/ 


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