143 Healing the Mother Wound with Bethany Webster

 Do you know what it actually means for women to step into their power? This is really something that needs to be considered when you look at the frightening and dangerous things that are going on for women in Texas at the moment. The Texas lawmakers are trying to make it even harder for women to have control over their bodies and their lives, by attempting to make it illegal to drive a woman to a safe abortion provider!According to a study done by the University of Texas recently, in the six years since Planned Parenthood and other safe abortion providers and women's health clinics there have been de-funded, the death rate in maternal health has doubled. This de-funding has also resulted in the closure of more than eighty clinics, most of which were in rural areas where no alternative care facilities have been provided. This means that in the two years since the cuts were implemented, the remaining health clinics in the state of Texas are only able to serve half the women who were being taken care of before.Alex points out that de-funding Planned Parenthood and making safe abortions harder to obtain does not stop abortion. It only stops safe abortion. This is why Alex refers to woman's health as a revolution. It's a battle being waged every day and women's lives are at risk! This is what prompted her to give a talk at The Women's Empowerment Expo in Washington DC on the Memorial Day weekend. Listen in today, as Alex gives you a brief overview of the talk that she gave at the Expo, called The Foundations of Women's Power.Some of The Pillars of Women's Power are:

  • To stop minimizing how you feel.
  • Speaking your truth.
  • Having full agency over your own life and body.
  • Creating self-acceptance through self-love.
  • Having Boundaries – with yourself and with others.
  • Feeling entitled to your sexual self-expression.

The guest on today's show is Bethany Webster and she's doing some incredible work around what's known as The Mother Wound. She's a Writer, Transformational Coach, and a really great Speaker. She calls herself The Midwife of The Heart and she's been helping women to step into their full power and potential, through the healing of The Mother Wound. Bethany is the author of the forthcoming book, Healing The Mother Wound - Move Beyond What Your Mother Never Gave You And Become The Woman You're Meant To Be. Listen in today and find out how you can heal your Mother Wound and really step into your full power and potential. Music Credit: My good friend Lindsay Katt - https://lindsaykatt.bandcamp.com/track/stick-by-me


Minimize Me: Part 1


From Distracted Woman to Present + Powerful