159 Validate Your Own Damn Self

Today’s show is about one of the most important rules I have learned in my life. Deliciously happy women have some uncommon skills, and today we are talking about validating yourself. I had to learn to validate my own damn self and it wasn’t an easy process. Why do we need validation from others? Why can’t we be content with our own validation? I had to learn to trust myself. I needed someone else to tell me that my thoughts and feelings were valid. I was trained to look outside myself for guidance. I was taught not to trust myself and to question my knowing. It’s a trap to always think we need someone else to tell us what is right and what we need to do.Music Credit: My good friend Lindsay Katt - https://lindsaykatt.bandcamp.com/track/stick-by-me


Uncommon Skill: Unchained Confidence + Freedom To Enjoy Pleasure


Validating My Own Damn Self: An Uncommon Skill