2010 Bloat - the post-holiday tummy buster**

Does your tummy feel a little distended this week? Did you indulge in a few too many glasses of Merlot, pieces of cake, shots of whiskey or plates of cookies in the last couple of weeks? How about Mom's famous meat and cheese plate - did you share it or did you devour the whole thing by yourself while watching the Jets game?I know how you feel - bloated. It doesn't take much for me to feel my tummy pressing uncomfortably against my waist-band. A few pieces of bread, a couple glasses of wine or even more than a tiny bit of dessert and my gut starts to react instantly. I guess it's a good thing that my body tells me when to stop so quickly - otherwise I would just keep going!When I was introduced to an inexpensive supplement, my life, my tummy and health were changed forever. Now I take a good probiotic supplement every day, and my stomach is in great shape - visually and physically. Check out my favorite brand of probiotic here: Commensol from Sedna Products. When I was in my 20's and teens, I could eat desserts, processed carbs, fried foods and packaged junk food all day long and my body wouldn't seem to notice any difference. Luckily I got really sick in my late 20's. I say lucky, because I hit bottom at a young age and I realized that I couldn't go on eating like that. My family is full of people with bone and joint problems, obesity, blood sugar issues, and other painful health problems that could be avoided with a good, clean diet. So I'm the lucky one because I realized at 26 that I could control my health and live a happier, pain-free life with some menu adjustments.If you feel like you're ready to make these changes and live pain-free, lose the bloat and finally have enough energy to make your deepest, most passionate dreams come true, come and work with me starting January 12th. I'll be meeting on the phone every Tuesday at 2pm EST with a group of women who want to make their lives better and make 2010 the best year yet - I know I do!The 8 Week Detox Tele-Course starts in 8 days! Sign up here...I have big plans for this year, and I know that if I'm feeling great and treating my body well that I'll have everything I need to make it all happen. So sign up - and get a special free gift!**Everyone who signs up for my 8 Week Detox Tele-Course by Friday, January 8th will get a 30 minute, one-on-one session with me. This session will involve a health history and special recommendations for your situation. Then we'll continue to work together in the tele-course group starting January 12th.


Detox Tea with warming winter benefits


Simple Warming Carrot-Yam Soup for Detox