The 3 IFs

Unlock Your Creative Brain with 3 IFs to answer.

What if…

Creative problem solving is a top skillset rising leaders need to stand out and be indispensable.

It’s also what artists and professional creatives need to have satisfaction and success in their work.

So what to do when you feel stuck in a creative rut? IMHO, all it takes is a good question to make a simple shift in perspective to unlock your imagination and thinking. 

That's where the 3 IFS process comes in. Ask these three key questions, and you’ll easily come up with new solutions to help you out of a jam:

What if I change it?

The first "if" prompts you to envision the potential outcomes of altering something—a product, a system, a social relationship, a piece of clothing, a fandom, or anything else. This question encourages you to break away from the status quo and explore different paths. 

  • What if you change the color, the shape, or the function? 

  • What if you introduce a completely new element? 

  • What if this problem was a restaurant? What would it serve? What would the eating experience be like?

By challenging the existing framework, you open the door to fresh ideas and solutions.

What if I wanted to use it in 10 years?

The second "if" invites you to consider the future and think long-term. Imagine how an object or concept would need to evolve to remain relevant in a decade. This will help you think beyond immediate needs and trends. 

  • What changes would be necessary to ensure its longevity? 

  • How can it adapt to technological advancements or shifting societal values? 

This question encourages foresight and encourages you to design with sustainability and longevity in mind.

What if I had a $1 Million dollar investment?

The third "if" introduces a fantastical, practical element by considering resources and investment. Create a scenario where you have ample funds to improve something, and think big and bold. 

  • What enhancements would make the most significant impact? 

  • How can you maximize the value of the investment? 

This question encourages ambitious thinking and prompts you to prioritize the most impactful changes.

Put it into practice now:

Use the 3 IFS process with a problem you’re facing that requires creativity now. It’s a great tool to unlocking innovation. 

PS: Over the years I’ve inhabited a few very visible leadership roles, including as a kind of well-being and personal growth figure, due to my part in creating Super Size Me, and writing books like Radical Alignment.

The pressure and scrutiny can be intense. And when more people are listening to you, every move feels fraught. These days, I use my 20+ years of health coaching experience, event production, product development, artist practices, and positive psych training to help emerging women leaders, tech mavens, public figures, and philanthropists.


If you think some conversation with me might help, you should reach out. People come to me for all sorts of reasons including: 

  • how to navigate chaos and multiple challenges, 

  • make big decisions, 

  • surface values, 

  • get unstuck, 

  • feel less isolated, 

  • find meaning, and 

  • improve work and family relationships.

If you're curious, don't be shy. We will just talk. And I'm fun and nice to talk to. I promise.

Let's start a conversation - here’s my personal calendar:


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