80 Sexism in Medicine and Fox New's Dr. Manny

The Cravings Whisperer Podcast with Alexandra JamiesonHello my Clan of the Crave Bears! I’m so glad you decided to join me today. Today I’m getting real with you, so consider yourself warned. I had an experience recently that I have been waiting to share with you, so today I am taking the opportunity.  I was on Fox News a couple of weeks ago with Dr. Manny. He called my work “horse shit” to my face. 

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“Women are significantly more likely to be under-treated for cancer, heart disease and pain.” - Alexandra Jamieson (Click to Tweet)


Show Notes:

    • I sat down with Dr. Manny and I immediately felt like he was not into my opinions
    • I immediately tried to build rapport and I tried to even get him to laugh
    • His final comment to me about cravings was, “That was very entertaining!”

“Only 1 in 5 doctors are aware that women are more likely to die of heart disease than men.” - Alexandra Jamieson (Click to Tweet)

    • I wasn’t there to entertain, because Women’s health issues are so important to me
    • After the segment, I tried to brush off his “entertaining” comment
    • I even got him to agree to take a selfie with me
    • After we took the selfie, he said, “Well, that was all horse shit!”

“Even female health practitioners can have a gender bias towards women.” - Alexandra Jamieson (Click to Tweet)

    • My head was spinning - I knew he would have never said the same thing to a man
    • The female producer who booked the show was shocked to hear this
    • Last year I was on Dr. Oz last year and he could barely contain his eye roll
    • Men believe women are weak, silly and emotional and they dismiss our true needs

“We dismiss our cravings as bad because we have been told that we are dumb.” - Alexandra Jamieson (Click to Tweet)

    • The dismissive attitudes are exactly what women face everyday
    • The unexamined gender bias in medicine is killing us
    • I have so many examples of women’s medical disorders being dismissed by health practitioners
    • Need help advocating for yourself? Alex shares tips for being your own best advocate
    • Disrespect for women’s health concerns is rampant

“Vote for politicians who make women’s health a top priority!” - Alexandra Jamieson (Click to Tweet)

There is a FREE 3 part video series on my website that will be available until Monday morning and it will teach you how to trust what your body is telling you and listen to what your body needs. It’s time for us to love our bodies and trust ourselves. We are living in a sexist medical culture and now is the time to speak up about it. Falling in love with your body is the first step to getting well, and having your desires met.Get the video series at http://alexandrajamieson.com/videoseriesDo you have a story of how you have been treated by a medical professional? I’d love to hear your story. Go to my blog at alexandrajamieson.com/blog and click on the little blue microphone on the right and leave me a message.

Links Mentioned:

Where does your politician stand on Women's Health? https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/elections


81 Embracing Your Gifts + Transforming Your Life with Carrie Ann Moss


79 Master Your Inner Mean Girl with Melissa Ambrosini