88 Magical Menopause? Dr. Anna Cabeca Explains

Welcome back my Clan of the Crave Bears! I'm getting married next week! Yes, I am. We just wanted something low-key and stress-free, so we are getting married at the park a couple blocks from home and then walking to our favorite neighborhood restaurant for our favorite meal - brunch! It's an exciting time and we just really want it to be a special time with our family and friends.This past weekend I went to a couple of seminars for my own benefit and wow, was it intense! I had a family constellations workshop, with really allowed me to connect with my family lineage and work through emotions and habits, and it was very nice. Then it was off to a Tantric Yoga class, which was definitely more intense, but a great way to spend a Sunday.I wanted to talk with you about two things today, I’ve  got a great interview with my dear friend: Dr. Anna Cabeca coming up, ah, Dr. Anna is an amazing hormone expert, I’m so thrilled to have her on the show, but she’s also kinda on my board of advisors, I meet with her and also a couple of other women, and couple times a month we do a Skype date and we talk about our businesses and how we can support each other, and I’m always learning so much from her, so be sure to stay tuned through the end, cause we’re gonna be talking about menopause and hormones and even if you’re not in menopause or pre or peri-menopause, what you can be doing now, so that your hormones are balanced, so that you feel good, so that you can get rid of your brain fog, huge, huge topic so stay through to the end with my interview with Dr. Anna Cabeca.How we face the world and how we feel about our face and the health of our skin is such a huge part of our lives, but we don’t always think about it and I wanted to share one of my absolute favorites, I use this stuff every day, several times a day and I have been for years now, and I have a say, when I go get a facial every once in a while or if I have to go get professional make-up done, you know for a photo shoot or being on TV,  they may say this to everyone but all of the make-up artists they always or the facialists, they say  Wow your skin looks great, how old are you?You really can change your skin in just a week or two and I know because I started using these products and they are awesome! I love the way my skin feels, I love the way it looks. I think you will love their stuff just as much as I do, so this is a great time to try them out. It’s you know,  in honor of Mother’s Mama Mojo Month right? All month long on my blog here on the podcast, talking about things that mamas and those who love their mamas -- things that we want for our self, for our health. So we can talk, we’ll talk about menopause and hormones later on with Dr. Anna, and now all about skin. So Ann Marie and Kevin, the founders of  Ann Marie Gianni  skincare have put together three different sample kits depending on your skin type that you can get now and try out and it’s a great low-risk chance to see if they work for you.Now the kits are only $10 bucks but they’re shipped to you free and you get a $10 off coupon for a future purchase.  Just try it out, if you like the products, and purchase a full-size product in the future, you’re kit is essentially free. Now on top of that, if you get a sample kit, you’ll also get their skin detox guide which is a great bundle of stuff worth $25 bucks, it’s an e-book which shows you how to get bright glowing skin and improve the health and beauty, not just of your skin but your mind and this guide includes  a 21-day plan with delicious food recipes totally Alex approved, exercises that boost your mood, affirmations to increase your confidence and a complete skin care regime.  So one more thing, if you’re one of the first 100 to get this kit through the link that I’m going to give you second, you’ll get a free travel size, NUROLLI orange toning mist from Amerie as well, I love this stuff, I use it all the time.So go to:  bit.ly/cravesafeskin and you will get your kit and you will get the $10 coupon, and you’ll also get their skin detox guide and if you’re one of the first 100 you also get the free travel size ____  toning mist…awesome!Today's guest is Dr. Anna Cabeca, who frequently lectures nationally and internationally regarding restorative health and women’s health issues. She is a consultant and trainer for other physicians in Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy and Functional Medicine Principles.She believes that the advantages of creating health and hormone balance are that we not only improve our own health but also improve the health of our generations to follow.She is the co-creator of the Sexy Younger You Tele summit and the creator of the highly acclaimed virtual transformational programs: WomensRestorativeHealth.com and SexualCPR.com.Alexandra-Jamieson-Featured-Art-The-Crave-Cast-Dr Anna Cabeca-Ep88

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[bctt tweet="Hormonal imbalance drains our energy, we start to crave food like sugar and caffeine." username="@DeliciousAlex"]

Show Notes:

  • Menopause technically defined  as the point in time a year after your menopausal period. It should really be redefined, according to Dr. Cabeca.
  • There are 3 stages in menopause – perimenopause, pre-menopause, and menopause.
  • Hormonal shifts changes from mid-30s onward. Symptoms can include premenstrual syndrome, hair loss, uterine fibroids, hot flashes, sleeplessness, breast cysts, night sweats,  waking up in the middle of the night, and brain fog.
  • Brain fog is a huge problem with the perimenopause. Dr. Cabeca discusses what it is and what causes it.
  • We have so many endocrine disruptors that cause hormone imbalances. We see huge fluctuations in our hormones.
  • These symptoms serve to bring the hormonal imbalance to our attention.
  • Dr. Cabeca discusses the historical perspective of the endocrine system shift in women.
  • Our body hasn’t changed even if our environment is changing.
  • There are treatments that target menopausal symptoms.
  • Women can restore mental clarity, appreciation for life, and achieve a higher level of spirituality.
  • Alkaline body state  can be achieved by going outdoors.
  • Alkalinity will prevent diseases from occurring.
  • Acidity in the body can disrupt hormonal balance.
  • Brain fog can precipitate dementia.
  • Progesterone treatment can cure progesterone deficiency conditions such as vaginal dryness, traumatic injuries.
  • The Mighty Maca solution of Dr. Cabeca for hormonal balance, hormonal protection, and strength - get Dr. Ann's own mixture at  bit.ly/macaenergygreen

[bctt tweet="Women’s bodies haven’t really changed much even if our environment is changing. " username="@DeliciousAlex"]


Get Dr. Anna's blend of Might MacaGet the special skin care promo


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