98 What Boundaries?? with Christine Hassler

The Cravings Whisperer Podcast with Alexandra JamiesonWelcome back! We are almost at episode 100! So amazing. It has been a big week for the female body. Jennifer Aniston, the popular actress put out an incredibly popular post in Huffington Post last week and spoke out against the appearance based celebrity gossip culture. She was fed up! I agree with her 100 percent.We get to determine our happily ever after for ourselves. I don’t know why it’s still controversial that women get to choose what the deal with my body is, whether I want to get married, have children or whether or not I say I’m beautiful. Maybe put an end to the obsessed diet and shame body culture that we live in. We have to talk about this! We should talk about the celebrity obsession and the impact that social media has on our body image and our ability to connect with ourselves and other people.I will be interviewing my good friend Christine Hassler. She is a wonderful coach. She uses life coaching techniques and spirituality but she started out as a Hollywood agent at the age of 25. She went through her own healing journeys and ended up writing a couple of books. I have to say that we have only hung out only a few times in person but kept up with each other virtually. She is just a really supportive person. When I went through my concussion she called me and offered help and suggestions.Today she supports individuals all over the world discover life’s big questions. We are going to talk about imposter syndrome, how our bodies change, how we age, how it’s so unfair we feel like we need to look our best all the time, dealing with perfection and what are boundaries. I really want to hear from you and what you think about this body shaming culture we live in, how does it affect our relationship with food and ourselves. You can connect with me on twitter, Instagram, snapchat or with me and over 1600 other women on Facebook. I have a free Facebook group: bit.ly/wfdgroup.Enjoy!Don't forget about our Swag Bag Giveaway! Here is how you can enter in to win this $1000 swag bag:

  1. Go to iTunes put up a meaningful review about your thoughts about The Crave Cast, what you’ve learned, what you’ve loved, why people should tune in. or you can go to bit.ly/cravecast and leave a review.
  2. Once a month I will be picking one meaningful review, I’ll get in touch with you, will announce it here on the podcast and I will be sending you all of these incredible goodies. So be sure to enter the $1000 swag bag giveaway at bit.ly/cravecast!


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[bctt tweet="How can we heal if we are always cutting each other off?" username="DeliciousAlex"]

Show Notes:

  • How long has she been a coach?
  • What are boundaries?
  • What is the difference between a barrier and a boundary?
  • Why do women experience imposter syndrome?
  • How to deal with aging?
  • What is Tantra?
  • How can Tantra help with healing?
  • What is she most passionate about?
  • What is her blog?

[bctt tweet="If you wait until you’re not scared to do something, you’re just going to be waiting! #ChristineHassler" username="DeliciousAlex"]


20 Something 20 Everything20 Something ManifestoExpectation Hangover: Overcoming Disappointment in Work, Love and Lifewww.twitter.com @deliciousalexwww.instagram.com @deliciousalexwww.snapchat.comwww.facebook.comBig Magic – Elizabeth GilbertDawn Cartwright- Tantra Instructor[bctt tweet="Can we focus on how we feel instead of how we look? #ChristineHassler" username="DeliciousALex"]              


99 Life + Spirituality for Healing


97 The Girlfriend Manifesto with Ayesha Meriweather