Alex Answers: Late Night Eating - What To Eat? How To Stop It?

This theme of "late night eating sabotage" is so common, and is so in line with my upcoming Delicious Detox program, that I thought I should share this juicy information so everyone can use it, not just my new members.This question came from Rachel:"For about 7 months, I've been eating a vegan, whole foods diet. And I love it. I'm also counting calories as well. I've lost 20 pounds and feel great as I've reached my goal weight.  But now things are getting more difficult. I feel like all day, I do great health wise. I eat a green smoothie for breakfast, a healthy lunch, lots of fruit, a healthy dinner...But then...I don't know what happens, but I go crazy and end up splurging on dessert, then raiding the pantry at night. Before, I could easily eat 1200-1300 calories a day and feel great. Now, I'm finding it hard to stay under 2,000 calories!I don't know if you have any advice for this problem, or maybe a recipe for some low-cal vegan nighttime snacks..."Alex Answers:Rachel, this is such an awesome topic. Late night eating can be a tough habit to break. You've spent a busy day working, being responsible, eating the "right" foods, commuting, planning your meals for the next day, and cleaning up your house, now you just want to chill and de-stress...And just as you're about to get comfortable with the TV, boy/girlfriend, or magazine, your cravings start coming up.NO! You scream at yourself furiously.I've been so good!Don't crave that chocolate/cheese/potato chips/glass of'll ruin all the hard work from today and feel lousy about yourself!But I WANT it! I deserve it! Gimme.The judgement and self-loathing start to pile on and your hard-earned relaxation time is now a frustrating, stressful wrestling match of the mind.How can you end that nightly civil war so you don't end up in front of the fridge or cupboard searching for fatty, sugary snacks?Let's take a step back and take stock:Ask yourself: Am I really hungry?What is my body feeling right now? Am I thirsty? Am I just tired? Do I need a hug, hot shower, massage from my boy/girlfriend? Do I need to tell my wife or husband something that's been on my mind and won't rest? Am I craving intimacy and feel lonely at the end of the day because no one's here? Did I have a fight at work or phone call with a family member that set me off today?Maybe I need a nice half-hour with my vibrator and some good lube instead of a chocolate bar...believe me, I've been there.Your cravings are telling you something. Listen to your body. Notice the physical sensations that are rising up and where they're possibly coming from.Listen to how your body responds to the stimulation of your life. Once you start feeling the sensations your body has stored from the day, you may find your cravings go away on their own.Another good way to end the late-night-eating-sabotage cycle is to get rid of your TV for a week...or longer. It will totally shake up your evening routine and your nights will have more room for self-care and true relaxation.Yes, you might be hungry from a long day of work, and sometime a late night snack is exactly what you need. So I'm going to share my top 5 late night snacks that fall in the category of "Totally Awesome Delicious Detox Snacks:"

  1. Frozen grapes or blueberries for a sweet tooth
  2. Light air popped popcorn or plain popcorn popped in paper bag in microwave, drizzled with olive oil and a tiny bit of salt
  3. Raw sauerkraut – it will knock your sweet craving right out!
  4. Fruit “ice cream” – peel a banana, freeze, blend in a food processor with nuts, berries or raisins and serve
  5. A few raw nuts with a plump, juicy Medjool date

Here's what you can do now:

If you have specific questions I’d love to hear what you’re struggling with - ask right here or leave a comment. For a forum to share your issues with like-minded people working to change their lives, apply to my 8-Week Delicious Detox Tele-Course. There are only 7 Premium All-Access memberships left, so take a look soon.



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