Aunt Flow while on the go: getting your period on the road (WIN A FREE MOON CUP! READ ON!)

I’m home, I’m tan and I’m relaxed – last week's vacation to Hawaii was wonderful. Lounging on the beach for hours, reading non-fiction books, trashy magazines and going for swims in the warm waters of the Pacific were truly healing for me on every level.The only “blip” on my week was that I got my period within the first hour of getting off the plane! Has this ever happened to you? Well, it was truly frustrating (come on – I’m supposed to live in my bikini this week!) – but I was lucky enough to have my handy MOON CUP with me.Not only is the MOON CUP a life-saver (and bikini saver) for the busy woman who travels, this product is necessary for any woman who cares about her body, the environment, and wants to save thousands of dollars over her reproductive life!Not only are standard tampons and pads made with genetically engineered cotton, according to an incredible article on the Organic Consumers Association:"... the risk to women’s health posed by highly toxic dioxin, a by-product of the chlorine bleaching process historically used to make tampon fibers white? According to the Village Voice, in 1992 a Congressional subcommittee uncovered an exchange of memos in which FDA scientists reported discovering trace levels of dioxin in some tampons. “Citing studies that indicated dioxin was unsafe at any level…subcommittee chair Ted Weiss accused the FDA of ignoring its own scientists’ warnings,” wrote the Voice."COMMENT CONTEST!After reading this article, write a comment on my blog and you could win a FREE MOON CUP FROM GLAD RAGS!Just write a comment on this blog by July 12th, and you could win a free moon cup provided by the fabulous folks at!


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