Self-Health Book Contest: How To Create A Magical Relationship

I adore sharing books with my friends. I've given away numerous books on eating, food, cooking, and health on my site for years. This book is different.How To Create A Magical Relationship is a remarkable book for anyone who wants a better relationship. It teaches you how to listen, be present, and end the "blame game" cycle with your partner, and most importantly YOURSELF.Honestly, this book by Ariel & Shya Kane is a remarkable read that shows you how to stop picking on yourself and how to have a truly happy life. I discovered the Kane's years ago through their first book Working On Yourself Doesn't Work. I also get to attend workshops and weekend seminars held in New York City with this fun, remarkable couple and the community that has gathered to enjoy what they have to share.It doesn't matter if you're in a relationship, single, or just one of millions who wants to feel better - this book is great for everyone.Ariel & Shya were kind enough to donate a signed copy of this book to one lucky reader, so here's your mission:

Leave a comment here on this page by Friday, October 29th to win!

It can be about your primary relationship and why you want to read this book. If your primary relationship is with yourself (honestly - even if you're married, this is true!), then say so! If you have a husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend that you want to get along better with, then this book is for you too.You can also listen to the Kane's weekly internet radio show Being Here, or learn about their seminars and courses which are held in New York City, Europe, and Costa Rica.Have a wonderful day!


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