Cashew Cheese for Lazy Dairy Lovers

I often hear clients say that giving up cheese is the hardest step towards living a dairy-free life. Creamy and savory, with a whopping dose of fat, cheese causes many people digestive problems. Along with constipation, gas, and diarrhea, dairy also delivers fat-soluble toxins, massive amounts of cholesterol and lactose. So many women have reported incredible benefits from avoiding dairy that I'm always on the search for new ways to include a cheesy substitute easily to the modern diet.Try this simple, satisfying cashew cheese recipe and vive la difference!1 cup cashews, soaked overnight and drained2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil1 teaspoon sea salt (more or less to taste)juice from 1 lemon1 clove garlic, mincedPut all in a food processor and pulse for 20 seconds. Scrape down the sides and blend for 20 seconds. Scrape the sides down again and blend until smooth and creamy. **Tastes great with gluten free Mary's Gone Crackers!


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