Comparison kills joy - be you, honey.

I’ll tell you the same thing I would tell Renee Zellwegger if I were ever to meet her:Don’t waste one ounce of your precious time or mojo by giving a crap about what anyone thinks of you.When you step out of the shadows and into the spotlight, shining your truth and showing your desires and cravings,you’ll probably find yourself in front of a horde of haters…a firing squad of saboteurs…a panel of professional shamers ready to pounce.What’s happening online to Renee Zellwegger today is why so many people hide from going for the life they so desperately want to live.Just stepping out and being yourself is such a huge risk.Look at how people are talking about Renee today…Look at how we treat stars and celebrities…We pick apart every move they make, every outfit they wear, and everything they say…No wonder so many of them end up in rehab.And no wonder so many of us hide our own truths.We see what happens to famous people, and hear our own judgments about them, and we freak out that it will happen to us too.You are the only person responsible for your actions and words.You are NOT responsible for what anyone else may think about what you do and say.In fact, what they think is none of your business.Comparison is the thief of joy. When we think ourselves better off or worse than someone else,we feel judged and bad about ourselves, even if we thought we “won” the match.So all of this social media shaming and comparing?It’s keeping you stuck and hating your own body, and fearful of aging, gaining weight, or ever being seen.Gossiping about Renee Zellwegger and what kind of plastic surgery she had is keeping you stuck in and hating your own body.Want to be happy with food, your body, and and how you relate to them?Stop the comparison.Or if you can’t stop it, (because, honestly, we are built to compare - it's a human survival tactic) just NOTICE the comparisons, and say “thanks, I’m not in comparison mode right now."Want to love how you look in your body?Stop comparing yourself to and gossiping about Hollywood stars.And your friends.Be the gorgeous leaf that you are.We're all uniquely beautiful - no one wins when we compare ourselves.Love yourself, stop shaming others, and do your best to recognize your own judgments and comparisons.You only win when you don’t compare.Learn more about My favorite probiotics for gut health!!Check this out Fix My Period (hormonal health/women)!


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