20 How to Crave Exercise - Start Moving with Mantras and Erin Stutland

The Cravings Whisperer Podcast with Alexandra JamiesonWe all get stressed out about moving, exercising and working out.Am I working out enough? Am I doing it the best way that I can? How do I get motivated?Here is how to make it fun!Today let's set a new intention around movement. Movement should be fun.Erin Stutland joins us to discuss moving meditation. She is a life coach, a fitness expert and the creator of the online program The Shrink Session.In this episode we explore how to let go of perfection and dance like no-one is watching.The truth is that it's all about permission. Permission to make mistakes and realize it's no big deal.

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"There's a lot of feelings that come up when somebody get's sick. You don't necessarily have the tools to communicate all of these feelings."  (Click to Tweet)

Show Notes:

  • Everything about the love of dance
  • How mindset saved Erin's mother from cancer
  • Artistic expression and how to continuously create new ideas through fitness
  • What healing modalities can do to support your mind and body
  • The organic journey into mindfulness meditation
  • Being a teenager and dealing with her mother's diagnosis
  • The natural and formal progression into life coaching
  • The benefits of working with coaches and learning new tools
  • How the success of Erin's first workshop grew her leadership and coaching skills
  • The beauty of The Movement - Give back. Move forward.
  • My personal insight into Erin's 'Shrink Session'
  • The benefits of removing the pressure and... Just Moving!

"I was always really good at asking questions and listening with an open heart."  (Click to Tweet)

  • The correlation between challenges and running away
  • How movement and mantras empower us
  • The beauty of being present and alive in your body
  • The progression of movement
  • Why it's not a surprise people have negative beliefs around movement
  • Weight loss and why it's so un-inspiring
  • On the power of changing your connection and intention
  • Bring on Empowerment!
  • The reality of pairing affirmations and movement
  • The struggles we have with meditation and our slippery minds
  • How important it is for these words to get into your body, muscles and cells
  • Erin's programs, products and free trials
  • The power of what movement does to the brain and our work productivity
  • Good news…. Changing your body can be a commitment of moving your body for just 5 minutes everyday

"When you start to move your body you're more open. Emotionally, intellectually & creatively."  (Click to Tweet)

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"If you find yourself going left, and everybody else is going right, just go left BIG and have fun with it." (Click to Tweet)

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To Crave Is Human: Women, Food & Desire