Daikon: The Fat Flusher

Daikon radishes have been used in traditional Japanese and Macrobiotic cooking to heal the body and to help it discharge fat, excess fluids and old animal foods lingering in the intestines. This "really big radish" has huge amounts of digestive enzymes which help the body easily deal with fats and proteins. Also used as a diuretic and decongestant, daikon can help ease the work of the kidneys by discharging more water and fluid retention.Japanese researchers have found that daikon radish eaten with smoked or grilled animal protein increases the elimination of cancer-causing compounds. But why eat those carcinogenic foods in the first place?So how can you use this powerful, peppery radish to help cleanse your body? Here are a few simple ideas:

  • Grate 2 tablespoons of daikon daily and eat with a few drops of naturally brewed soy sauce (shoyu, tamari or Bragg's Liquid Aminos) to help the body discharge old animal protein and fats.
  • Make a simple broth to eliminate excess diary products: Heat 1 cup water, 1/2 cup diced daikon, 1 inch piece of kombu sea vegetable. Simmer for 15 minutes, drink warm.
  • Reduce fever or "food hangover" symptoms with a tea made from 1/4 cup sliced daikon, 2 shittake mushrooms and 1 inch piece of kombu sea vegetable.

Eating out at a Japanese or Korean spot? Ask for a side of daikon along with your meal for extra detox points!


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