Dairy-free, but miss the cheese? Try Daiya!

I'll admit it - I sometimes miss the melty, gooey texture and taste of cheese. Still, I'm not interested in the cholesterol and heart-clogging ingredients found in animal cheese - and I know I don't like how dairy makes my body feel: sluggish, pimply, and clogged.So what's a former cheese addict to do?Until recently, dairy-free folks have been forced to go without, indulge in secret and then pay the price for the after-effects, or try enjoying the fake cheeses on the market. Sadly, those other cheeses didn't melt or taste good, so what was the point?Now, the game has changed. Now, there's Daiya!I've been testing recipes for my next book with this amazing, soy- and dairy-free stuff, and I'm pleased to say the results are killer: good taste, good melt.Recently my local food co-op started selling the small bags of shredded Daiya, for which I am grateful. Before it was only available in huge 5 lb. blocks.I recommended that my "detox divas" give it a try during my most recent detox group, and one member, a Canadian journalist, was so excited she wrote an article on this Canadian-made miracle food:The take-away? It's made in Canada, but hard to find there! Read the article in MaClean's here:Can't find Daiya in your local health food store yet? Order it here from www.veganessentials.comHappy Nachos!Alexandra


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