End Your Sugar Addiction For Good: But Not Alone

Finally free of my sugar addiction.Control of my cravings.Loving my energy and how my body feels.That's what the Sugar Free 'til Thanksgiving Challenge is all about.Over 100 people have raised their hands to join me in a public experiment: avoid added sugars until Thanksgiving.It didn't matter if you started 2 weeks ago or yesterday.It doesn't matter if you "fell off the wagon" for a day or a bite.This IS NOT about perfection. This is about awareness.This is about feeling your body and giving it a break from a powerful drug: sugar.YES, I believe that sugar is a drug.A drug is defined as "a chemical substance that affects the processes of the mind or body,"  so in my book, sugar is a drug.I've seen the addiction up close and personal - in myself, my family, friends and clients for years. I've "used" sugar to get through break-ups, stress, boredom, loneliness, and exhaustion. Other people may use alcohol, I used chocolate. OK, I've used alcohol too, but I'd take a raw dark chocolate bar any day of the week over a glass of wine.And I've seen how this sweet drug causes a multitude of health problems, pain and mood challenges. So for many of us, myself included, going without sugar for even a few days is a major accomplishment.I honor and congratulate you if:

  • you've just thought about going off sugar because you know it ultimately makes you feel bad
  • you've gone off sugar completely for 2 weeks and plan on going further
  • you've used WAY less sugar in the last week and just had a few little bites
  • you've just read this for the first time and have decided to avoid sugar and alcohol until Thanksgiving (that's November 22nd for all you non-US readers out there - join us!)

But quitting the white stuff is a challenge - that's why I've named this experiment so!I've offered tips and suggestions over the past two weeks, and I'm giving away products like SweetLeaf's Stevia Drops to encourage the readers who really want support and another, non-sugar way to enjoy the sweet life.This week, as we draw closer to Thanksgiving, I have another goodie to offer you -Another form of support and inspiration. Because that's what I'm always looking for.Inspiration.Inspiration to do more.Inspiration to eat well.Inspiration to get un-stuck.So here is another mega-hit of inspiration for all my Sugar Free 'Til Thanksgiving challengers out there:My friend, author and co-graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Connie Bennet, has offered two free copies of her best-selling book "Beyond Sugar Shock!" This book is FILLED with inspiration, guidance, and recipes (some of mine, too!) that will support you on your sugar-free journey and towards a life of control, energy, and glowing radiance.So here's how you can get your free copy from me and Connie:

LIKE my Facebook Fan Page by Thanksgiving Day (11/22) at 9am PT

- I'll choose 2 Facebook followers at random and will send you your free copy in the mail (sorry - only US dwellers can win this, but any foreign followers who are chosen will win my new Healthy Holiday & Winter Wellness package, worth $67- shhhh! No one knows about this yet!)

OR, leave a comment here on my blog about WHY you want to kick your sugar habit! 

Here to support, inspire and guide,xoAlex


Work with Alex: Application


The Sweet Life: Natural Sweetener Give Away!