I'm about to go into the "too-much-information" zone, but we're all friends here, right?Last summer I had a yeast infection. A minor bladder infection turned into a kidney infection while I was traveling, and I took a course of antibiotics. The antibiotics helped my kidneys, but did what they often do - they killed not only the infection but all the good, beneficial bacteria that was keeping my intestines and reproductive organs balanced. Hence, the yeast infection.While strolling through the health food store looking for a product that would relieve the itching and discharge (I said this was TMI-zone!) I came upon one of the most amazing products I've ever tried. Vitanica's Yeast Arrest was like a beacon of cooling, healing light at the end of a dark, itchy tunnel. Formulated by Dr. Tori Hudson, a naturopath, Vitanica contains tea tree oil, oregon grape root, boric acid, cocoa butter, and several homeopathic remedies.These suppositories worked well and worked fast. What I also loved about the product was the box itself: Dr. Hudson makes dietary recommendations for avoiding sugar, yeast, alcohol, and fermented foods as well as several other ideas for decreasing the overgrowth of yeast. This may be the first time I've seen a product like this offer sound health advice necessary for helping customers truly heal.The most popular over the counter product for yeast infections is Monistat. Monistat is applied in a similar fashion in that the medicine is inserted like a suppository. Unfortunately, the harsh anti-fungal chemicals contained in products like Monistat come with clear warnings and might cause:Monistat may cause the following side effects:

  • Rash
  • Burning at the site of application
  • Itching
  • Irritation of the skin or vagina
  • Stomach pain
  • Fever
  • Foul-smelling vaginal discharge
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Hives
  • Chills

So if you've suffered from yeast infections and want to avoid the complications from using other over the counter products, enter my blog contest here and you could win yourself a box of Yeast Arrest! Enter a comment her by 3/16  ~ Want to order some Yeast Arrest today? Go here!


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