Get more AWE some: 3 ways to add more AWE

AWE is a powerful stateI used to use food as an escape from boredom, stress + life.Who hasn't? Instead of falling into those thinking traps, I now look for ways to step into "AWE" more often.From Positive Psychology, I've learned that we crave meaning, connection, and purpose as much as food. AWE brings us into those powerful, inspirational moments.AWE is a feeling of reverential respect + wonder, and is similar to transcendence.Here are 3 ways to bring more AWE into your life, which bring up your energy, mood + make food not so important - #MindsetMakeover:1. Take the scenic route: nature, new cities, let the scenery take your breath away2. Immerse yourself in a crowd: concerts, political rally, running a marathon, outdoor movies3. Go outside: being in nature helps us stop trying to control things, we are more accepting in that moment.Share this with a friend who could use some more AWE-someness in their life!

3 ways to bring more AWE into your life - bring up your energy, mood + make food cravings loosen their hold on you! Click To Tweet!

xo, Alex


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