Health Freedom Expo: Chicago, June 6th, 2010

I was excited to attend and lecture at this year's Health Freedom Expo in Chicago. When things got underway, my anticipation was exceeded by what I experienced. Thousands of people attended this year's expo to learn about new health products, technologies, listen to lectures, and learn about the difficulties that alternative health advocates are facing.I was honored to be on a panel titled: Heroes of the Health Freedom Movement. Along with nationally syndicated radio host Robert Scott Bell, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Kevin TrudeauJohn Gray (who wrote Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus), Dr. Hal Huggins, and the amazingly funny and passionate Dick Gregory, I spoke about the challenges and joys of being a "thought leader" in the alternative health movement. Who knew I was a thought leader?!I shared my story of challenging New York State Governor's wife Michelle Paige Paterson on the prevalence of sugary, flavored milks in our public schools. Let me tell you, if you've never made a verbal stand against outrageous policy to a governor's wife, it's a little nerve wracking. But it was worth it!I also shared my stories of trying to make changes and bring awareness to my son's pre-school about the quality and health of snacks, party food, and food colorings. I'm happy to report that my son's teachers are very accommodating and willing to work with me to make improvements. Still, constant vigilance is necessary to make sure that the best quality ingredients are brought into our schools.After the lecture, which was attended by hundreds of expo goers, the panel adjourned to a reception where we all skipped the complimentary wine, and enjoyed sparkling water and conversation. My lecture on Sunday, titled "How A Vegan Diet Will Save The World!" was a blast!This year's Health Freedom Expo was a great success, and I would be happy to return for a third time. I encourage everyone interested in alternative, natural health to check out the website and stay informed about the state of our health freedoms.Organized by the Health Keepers Alliance, this annual expo presents valuable information to the public and continues to inspire attendees and lecturers alike.(P.S. Like my killer new turquoise bag? It's vegan! EenaMaria is a great designer offering loads of cruelty-free bags at low, low prices on


Herbal Iced-Tea-nis Help Squash Summer Sugar Cravings


Invitation to see Alexandra: Chicago's Health Freedom Expo June 5-6th