Detox Naturally & Enjoy Heart Healthy Foods Like These Potato Skins

Red Hot Hearts: Women’s Weight Loss &

Cardiovascular Health Tele-Series


In just 3 weeks, my tele-series for women begins. I’ve been working on this program because I know that it’s necessary. I’ve worked with women all over the world who have high cholesterol & blood pressure, are worried because heart disease runs in their family, and their energy is low – and they don’t feel old enough to “feel old!”One of the important topics we’ll be covering in this course is savory, salty, sodium. Yes, a little bit of salt makes food flavors pop and our taste buds light up, but did you know that most Americans consume 2 times more sodium than is safe?The long-term health effects of a high-sodium diet are:HypertensionHigh Blood PressureWater Retention (or that not-so-lovely bloated feeling)That’s why we’ll be focusing on how to get the salt (and food-toxins) out! Learn how we over-salt our food, how much to use, what kind to use and a special class of foods that can help curb what you’re really craving for when you reach for the salt shaker.*Sign up by 2/3 and I’ll send you products that will help you cut your salt intake while improving your mineral intake! The detox box is worth over $100 – can’t beat that!




I got a little upset when I saw that many "heart healthy" recipes online contain toxic ingredients. So I created my own, healthier recipe for potato skins that tastes delicious and helps curb salt cravings to boot! Not only is this program designed to help you lower your cholesterol and blood pressure naturally, protecting your cardiovascular health for years to come, but it can increase your energy and make weight balance a real, manageable, and reachable goal as we move towards springtime!

Here’s a testimonial from one of my past clients that I love sharing:

“Through working with Alex I was able to let go of bad habits that were affecting me mentally and physically creating a much healthier me!  I struggled for so long with my weight and was amazed how your simple steps helped me achieve my goals.  I did not realize how much my headaches and poor health were affecting my life.  I am now at a much healthier weight.  I am stronger, in better shape, healthier and feel better than I have in my entire life.  You helped me achieve my goals and so much more!”J.O.Senior AnalystKansas City, MissouriGo here to sign up for the 8 Week Red Hot Hearts Tele-Course with Alex:’s something else you might not have expected when you opened this email:Getting in touch with your deepest, truest, and most delicious passions is an important part of healing your heart. In every tele-class we will take some time to focus on the emotional aspects of healing. Whether you’re coming out of a broken relationship, healing from childhood abuse, or feeling the stress of not going after your dreams, this tele-series will honor you and your truth. Because genuine healing doesn’t just involve transforming your meals, it requires transforming how you treat yourself and value who you really are. That’s the good stuff!I’ve had women from all over the world on these calls, and since we’re meeting at 2pm EST every Tuesday, it’s a manageable time for almost everyone.All of the calls are recorded so you can download them and listen again later, or tune in if you had to come late or leave early from a call.If you have any questions about the tele-series, let me know: alex@nutritionforempoweredwomenI'll get back to you after I return from my Costa Rica retreat with Ariel & Shya Kane on 1/31! (Learn more about the Kane's here)If you’re ready to sign up and reserve your spot, don’t delay!


Fancy Fast Food Video With Erik Trinidad on AOL/Food


Welcome Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum To Red Hot Hearts!