How To FEEL Like You Got More Sleep: Exclusive Video

Do you feel like you need 2 hours more sleep than you're getting?If you’re tired and not rested your mind isn’t sharp, your temper is short, and your food cravings are harder to resist.There are ways you can feel like you got 2 more hours of sleep, even if you don't call in sick to work.No, I didn't figure out how to fold space and time, I just have some really handy tricks that I've used personally, and offered to my clients who tell me that they're really experiencing better, more restful sleep.Tip #1: Stretch and RelaxDo 5-10 minutes of relaxing yoga before hitting the sheets. Your body will release tension thatmay be keeping you up at night, your breathing will fall into a more relaxing pattern, and your mind will quiet down.*Don't know what yoga moves to try? Watch this exclusive video I created to help move you to lullaby land. This is also a great routine to try if you have insomnia in the middle of the night:Tip #2: Shut OFF The ScreensConstant exposure to TV and computer screens (Yes, iPad users, I mean you too!) canupset our natural circadian rhythms, keep our brain running long after it's tired and ready to power down for the night, and upsets our natural production of melatonin.Try this: After dinner, shut off the screens. No TV, no computer, no iPad. Just books, human interaction, or take a well-deserved shower or bath to relax into sleep mode.Tip #3: Cut the CaffeineWhat?Yes. Cutting out your morning caffeine routine can help your body get into a more natural energy cycle throughout the day, leading to a healthier, more restful sleep.Caffeine has a half-life of 6 hours, so that afternoon coffee or tea can actually be messing with your nighttime sleep schedule.If a great night's sleep is tough to get for you because you work after dinner, the kids keep you running until well after dark, or you just can stop your mind from churning, then join my Reboot & Refresh Tele-course. My members consistently report that they sleep better, feel more energized, and just feel more refreshed than before.If you have any questions about the program, go here or email me


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