I'm exhausted - what do I cook?

I just got this email from a young woman who read my book, The Great American Detox Diet"Hi Alex, I love your book, and blogs, cant wait for your new book. I am a 31 year old new mom to a 5 month old. I am so busy all the time, and the times that I am not busy the last thing I want to do is cook! I am wondering if you have any ideas someway I can feed my family, as well as myself during the day, without much fuss. I am so exhausted all the time, help! - Kelly"I get a lot of questions like this and thought this would be a good time to offer up my favorite cookbooks. For my busy  life a cookbook needs to be inspiring, easy to understand, the recipes MUST work, and there has to be an abundance of great, tasty, healthy recipes that my entire family will enjoy. Here are my top favorites:Cooking the Whole Foods Way by Christina PirelloThe Great American Detox Diet by Alex Jamieson (I love my own recipes!)The Vegan Lunch Box by Jennifer McCannFeeding The Whole Family by Cynthia LairEat, Taste, Heal all about Ayurveda and cooking for different body types, or doshasand, my new book can be pre-ordered here for November:Living Vegan for Dummies by Alexandra Jamieson (40 new recipes! And they're yummy!)Happy cooking!Alexandra


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