Leafy Greens for Delicious Detox

I didn't start eating green leafy vegetables until my mid-20's when I learned how amazing they were for health. I started to love them immediately, and even crave them.Greens provide your body with chlorophyll which is a proven cancer fighter, blood builder and helps to promote healthy intestinal flora. When your flora (the beneficial and necessary bacteria that live in your gut) are happy, the rest of your body will feel amazing! A great way to increase your immunity and overall energy, leafy greens are a daily staple on my detox diet. Here's my favorite, quick strategy for great greens:How to store your green leafy veggiesDon't just throw them in the crisper without a bag - greens will dry out and wilt quickly. And don't suffocate your greens! Too much moisture from a closed plastic bag will cause them to rot fast. Instead store your greens slightly wet in a perforated or slightly open plastic bag in the refrigerator - this way they'll stay fresh for 2-3 days. Fresh herbs keep longer if you trim off about 1/2-inch from the stem, place them in a jar with 1 inch fresh water with a plastic bag over the top, and store upright in the refrigerator.How to easily prepare your green leafy veggiesI like to do a quick saute on my greens. This wilts them slightly and removes any bitterness while keeping much of the nutrition in tact. When sauteeing greens, it is good to work with just-washed greens:

  • Heat 1-2 tablespoons of unrefined coconut oil in a skillet over medium flame.
  • Add a minced clove of garlic. Cook the garlic until just fragrant, and be careful not to burn or brown it - garlic gets bitter quickly.
  • Chop your greens (kale, bok choy, collards, etc) into bite-sized pieces. Stack the washed leaves, roll them like a cigar and slice for evenly cut pieces. Place cut leaves in the skillet and stir frequently with a wooden spoon.
  • Sprinkle with a little sea or Himalayan salt or naturally brewed soy sauce.
  • When the leaves are bright green and don't taste bitter anymore it's time to eat!
  • Try sprinkling with a little orange juice, lemon juice, gomasio, umeboshi vinegar or a few drizzles of your favorite vinaigrette.

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