Learning from Divorce about Detox

Going through a divorce over the last few years brought countless opportunitiesto see how my mind is set on “self-sabotage mode” to undermine the bestintentions for my life and health.“You’re a failure,” or “I’m doing it wrong again” were favorite put-downs of mymechanical-mind-machine.(I’ll bet you have something similar on endless repeat!)While running a business, learning to be a single mom, and trying to figure outhow to date again after 10 years, I was constantly battered by my own harshthoughts.Then I saw that I (or my mind) was the only thing holding me back.I wanted to create a new, productive, healthy lifestyle, but I was gettingsidetracked by complaints and self-created drama.Sure, there were plenty of chances to blame outside forces, to place allresponsibility on the world, my ex-, the weather – anything – but that way ofliving wasn’t getting me anywhere.There were times when life was starting to feel sweet again, when the light atthe end of the tunnel looked close, and my life was finally feeling like my ownwhen my "you really aren't worth all this happiness and potential" thoughtswould kick in…You’ve been there, I know.You start getting a hang of a healthy way of eating, and start to see somepositive results of going to they gym, and then your best intentions get shotout of they sky by the “b!tchy-bullets” from your harsh, criticizing mind.Negative self-talk is a big part of whether you feel willing, ready, and ableto finally eat better, take care of yourself, and make the moves to drop themuffin top.I’m here to tell you there is a better, easier, fun way to make your wellnessgoals happen ~I found support.I reached out and gathered people into my life who gave positive reinforcement,crystal clear vision for what was really true (you know, friends and expertswho can tell you your BS thoughts are just that – total bull!?), and who I feltdrawn to supporting in return.It’s a two-way street, this supportive and positive lifestyle – do you havesomething to offer others while getting the encouragement you need? That’swhere the real magic happens, believe you me!Your thoughts don’t have to rule your life, and you can keep on track to createa healthy, deliciously vital life.This is your chance to make 2012 a healthy, happy year, without all the dramaof harsh, criticizing, self-talk ruling your life.What made the difference for me was a supportive community. You can get thatfor yourself by joining this program and starting today.(Yeah, the program kicks off on 1/5, but as soon as you join, we’ll get started– no waiting!)Get the support you need to make your life healthy & amazing -Ready to join my 8-week Delicious Detox program?Learn about what you’ll get and sign up here~Got any questions?Shoot me an email at alex@deliciousvitality.com and I'll be happy to offer you my thoughts. 


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