Living A Healthy Life By Your Own Rules, Without Regret

"We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us." 
~ Joseph Campbell

 Our emotions, as much as our food, impact how we feel physically.Just as joy floods your body with lifting energy and hormones, regret and anger fill your body with toxic inflammation and stress.Living a regret-free life has a huge impact on your sabotaging food cravings, motivation to exercise, and ability to enjoy yourself without food crutches.When you regret your past, your mind pulls you into a physical state of being there and floods your body with shame. Instead of being HERE where your life is really telling you what you need.Instead of absorbed and focused on your life, regret over what might have been makes you feel small, wrong, and just plain dumb.Here is a list of thoughts on living a regret-free life:

    1. Every “mistake” leads you to success – every great inventor failed over and over again until they succeeded
    2. Keep your body well - always take care of your health with the right food and movement for your body
    3. Use your 6th sense – your sense of humor makes even the most challenging moments enjoyable
    4. Learn to relax – stress is a killer and makes you scared of change
    5. Feel grateful – gratitude floods the body with well being and reduced anxiety
    6. Share your gifts – even your presence is valuable
    7. Dare Greatly – share yourself authentically, be vulnerable and read Brene Brown’s inspiring book on how we all need to do it

I Am Daring Greatly

  1. Say “Yes! And…” – use this improve class classic to greet whatever life is bringing up now, and adding your enthusiasm for whatever needs to be done
  2. Handle your stuff and manage them now – putting things off makes them twice as heavy energetically
  3. Learn to forgive – holding grudges keeps you in the past story of your life, and drains you energetically
  4. Track your small wins – it’s easy to forget all the great things you’ve done. The “mistakes” stand out more in our reptile-brains. Check off the good you’ve accomplished as a reminder of how truly great you are.

 Did this list inspire something for you?Leave a comment below on living a regret-free life:XO, AlexLearn more about My favorite probiotics for gut health!!Collagen protein for healthy skin and joint health


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