At 9:15am I received an email from the director of my son's preschool. She wrote that another parent brought in some Irish Soda Bread for the class to share at snack time, around 10:30. The bread most certainly had eggs and dairy, which meant my son wouldn't be able to have any.using liquid chlorophyll as a natural food dyeWhat's a dairy-free mom to do? Necessity is the mother of invention, and this mama sprung into action. I took one of the cupcakes I had frozen from the Valentine's Day batch and set it on the counter to warm up to room temperature.I had experimented last week with making a quick frosting from warmed coconut butter and a little brown rice syrup, so I knew I had a good base to work was I going to get green food coloring that's non-toxic and fast?I opened my refrigerator door and scanned its contents. Should I try to juice some parsley or a kale leaf? Those might taste too strong and ruin the cupcake-effect I was going for. Then, I looked at my condiments shelf and spotted my savior, in the form of a dark glass bottle...Liquid Chorophyll!I usually take liquid chlorophyll for it's blood building and cleansing effects, and I knew that green color was a powerful dye - I've spilled enough drops on my kitchen towels over the years to know! You can buy liquid chlorophyll at your local health food store in the supplements aisle, or online for less than $6 a bottle here: So here's how I made the perfect, healthy green icing in no time:2 Tablespoons warmed coconut butter(I put it in a small container and set that in a larger bowl, then added some hot water to surround the smaller container to warm up and soften the coconut butter)5 drops liquid chlorophyll1/2 teaspoon brown rice syrupI used the back of a curved rubber spatula (AKA spoon-ula) to cream the ingredients together. You can add more drops of liquid chlorophyll to get the color just right. Once it was mixed I spread it on top of the cupcake - easy!I remembered that I had some St. Patty's Day stickers in my son's art box, and whipped up a little shamrock-on-a-toothpick for decoration. I carefully tucked the cupcake into a food container and high-tailed it up the hill to the preschool. The class was just finishing their art projects before snack time, and I had about 10 minutes to spare. Whew! My son looked thrilled with his surprise snack, and I got an extra 30 minutes of power walking into my day.All in a days work for a super-mom....


Glowing Testimonial From St. Joseph's Medical Center:


Vegan Whole Grain Irish Soda Bread