08 Mama Glow - Healthy Foods to Eat When Pregnant to Create a Non-Toxic Pregnancy

The Cravings Whisperer Podcast with Alexandra JamiesonAre you asking yourself, "what are the most healthy foods to eat when pregnant?"Today we have an expert on the show to answer your questions.Latham Tomas is a maternity maven. She is a graduate from Columbia University now focused on wellness, birth coaching, yoga and her maternity lifestyle organization, Mama Glow. At Mama Glow, they bridge the gap between optimal wellness, spiritual growth and radical self care for mamas and mamas to be.Let's dive in.... 

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"Mama Glow is like a lifestyle, it is an embodiment which harkens this radiant energy that's abundant & comes from within." (Click to Tweet)

Show Notes:

  • The transformation of pregnancy
  • How celebrity mamas have an influence on pregnancy style
  • That the internet and beach lifestyle culture play a role in what's trending
  • Mama style maintenance and feeling sheik
  • About the activity stigma for pregnant women today
  • Latham Thomas's ethos behind 'Mama Glow'
  • The common obstacles to having a healthy, glowing pregnancy
  • How to listen to your body to get the answers to your pregnancy questions (Hint: you're smarter than the internet)
  • Connect with cravings for real fun
  • Treating your body like we treat a babies, gently and kindly

"It's about reflecting confidence, beauty, radiance and overall well being." (Click to Tweet)

  • How to relearn and connect to the wisdom that you already have in your body
  • Healthy foods to eat when pregnant
  • The importance of hydration for a healthy pregnancy
  • Sourcing an abundance of pregnancy friendly recipes
  • The role of exercise to help you make better choices about food
  • Bacterial cravings and balance for pregnant women
  • Specific foods to cut out and our primal craving for sweetness
  • The impact of toxins
  • Latham's recommendations for a non-toxic life

"You want to teach your body that you revere it, respect it, and that it's safe for your body to communicate with you."  (Click to Tweet)

Links Mentioned:

Huffington Post | New York Post | Vogue | Mind Body Green

Facebook | Twitter | Vimeo | Tumblr | Pinterest

"We have to look to see what our imbalances are in our bodies, honour them, not judge them and then see how we can build a lifestyle around us that supports them."  (Click to Tweet)

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