Missing Cheese? Try Mochi!

Mochi is a wonder-food based on a traditional Japanese recipe of pounded sweet rice. Simply stated, this totally natural brick food can be used like cheese for those of us who desire to avoid dairy! It's gluten free, too, making it appealing to many with food allergies.You can grate it on top of baked dishes so it melts, you can bake it so it puffs up like little chewy, cheesy poofs, or you can "melt" it to make a cheesy sauce. A wonderful whole-grain treat that kids and adults enjoy! mochigroupThe main company in the US that creates this natural food is Graiaissance makes flavors like Raisin-Cinnamon, Sesame-Garlic, Super Seed, Cashew-Date, Original, Wheatgrass with Mugwort, and Pizza.Check out the Grainaissance website for more easy recipe ideas, but here's the basic idea to get you started:

  1. Cut mochi into 1 inch squares (use a sharp knife - this brick is stiff!), about 12-16 squares.
  2. Pre-heat oven to 450. Spread mochi squares so they're not touching and bake for 8-10 minutes until they puff up and turn slightly brown.
  3. Stuff with your favorite condiments: nut butter, mashed beans, dipped in sauce or spread with jam.


Within the past 5 months or so I have lost 30 lbs and my migraines have pretty much ceased!


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