My Evening With Alec Baldwin & PCRM

Summertime in New York City can be downright jungle-like, unless you know someone with a house in the Hamptons. Luckily I was invited to get away from the mean, steamy streets last weekend to attend a fundraiser near Sag Harbour at the Dorothy Frankel Gallery. The beautiful sculptures and delicious food provided a backdrop for the main event - learning more about the incredible organization the Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine. Also in attendance was the gorgeous and well-spoken Elizabeth Kucinich, PCRM's Director of Public Affairs.Celebrity spokesman Alec Baldwin was in attendance, and although I didn't get a picture with him this time, I can tell you from past experience that Mr. Baldwin is not only a top-notch actor, but he's also a die-hard activist for social justice, environmental, and animal rights issues. I was close enough to smell his cologne, and gave him a wink as he ran out the door for his summer stage play in East Hampton! Always affable, with something funny to say, Alec Baldwin shared his thoughts on how great PCRM is and why we should dig into our pockets to promote their work. So I did! I gave some money and got Dr. Barnard's new cookbook, The Get Healthy, Go Vegan Cookbook. With over 100 recipes, it's a great deal and is chock-full of important information on heart health, diabetes, and weight loss.Founded by Dr. Neal Barnard, PCRM is at the forefront of humane science. Having developed top-of-the-line studies and tests that help doctors treat humans with better science, PCRM has also saved the lives of countless laboratory animals by ending animal testing and implementing better medical practices. I've known Dr. Barnard since he was interviewed for Super Size Me back in 2003, and am always ready to lend a helping hand for any of their good works. Wether it's their programs for getting better food into public schools or publicizing their amazing Airport Food Reviews, that every business traveler should check out, PCRM is doing great work and deserves recognition.


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