197 New Relationship Blueprint with Nancy Levin

 How are your relationship skills? Whether you’re in the best relationship of your life now after going through some tough relationships, or you’ve had great luck with relationships all along, we all know that they are not always easy, sometimes messy, and almost always have room for improvement. Today’s show covers insights and practical tips for making any relationship better!Nancy Levin is a Master Coach and the author of The New Relationship Blueprint: 10 Steps to Reframe the Way You Love, her fourth book. Because she has “been through it all” in regards to the relationships in her life, she has identified these 10 steps about how to create a new way of being in relationship, where you are independent and focus on taking care of yourself so you can take care of others.Music Credit: My good friend Lindsay Katt - https://lindsaykatt.bandcamp.com/track/stick-by-me


198 Getting to Hell Yes


3 Fears Leaders (like you, woman) Face, And How To Handle Them