Oprah Goes Vegan: Join Red Hot Hearts & Learn From The Pros!

When I was interviewed on Oprah a few years ago she hadn't yet tried a plant-based diet. This week Oprah is challenging her staff and viewers to try a plant-based diet for 7 days. This diet has been proven to reverse and stop the spread of heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and many other ailments and diseases.If you're ready to expand your meals to include the healing properties of a plant-based diet, while joining an inspiring group of women from around the globe, then join my    Red Hot Hearts Tele-Course for Women's Weight Loss & Cardiovascular Health Beginning 2/15 at 2pm and running for 8 weeks, this one-of-a-kind program will offer support, meal planning, easy recipes and shopping tips, expert guidance, powerful knowledge, and fun experiments.

Ready to sign up? Go here!

Think you're too busy to make any changes? This program is designed for busy, working women - I'm one too! If you need to miss a call, come late or leave early, each call is recorded so you can listen later. Worried your family won't like the changes you're trying to make? I've been there! I can help you enroll your family into eating healthier while supporting you to feel better quickly.SPECIAL BONUS IF YOU JOIN BY 2/3: Sign-up for one of the 10 remaining spots, and you'll receive my famous Detox Box filled with program materials, signed copies of The Great American Detox Diet, Vegan Cooking For Dummies, and many other natural care products worth over $100!

Ready to sign up? Click here!


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