Pain Pain Go Away: Chronic Pain Management, Living Pain Free Tele-class

Ever had a migraine headache? Chronic pain? Back pain?I have. In fact, I suffered from migraines three to four days a week for months.When I went to the doctor for help, I was given a prescription for heavy duty pain killers within minutes. This is the modern state of pain management - drugs.I told the doctor I was also feeling exhausted all the time and kind of depressed. He then recommended anti-depressants. Within 5 minutes, I had two powerful prescriptions and headed out the door, determined to find another way.See, my family history is littered with depression, pain and drug addiction. I knew there was another way out of this pain, and within weeks I had found my answers...on my plate.By changing my diet I eliminated my pain, and my life changed.I removed the most inflammatory foods from my diet including sugar and wheat, and within two weeks, my pain was gone.If you've been suffering from constant pain, headaches and aches, I want you to join me and my special guest, Lou Paradise for:

Living Pain Free

Free Tele-Class: Thursday May 23rd 9pm ET/6pm PT

Get the information here and join the free call:

(If you can't make the call LIVE sign up anyway -

you'll get the recording Friday)

Lou is a friend and colleague - and the founder of Topical Biomedics, a company dedicated to reducing pain in the world.

Lou has his own incredible story about overcoming pain and has helped thousands  of people to live easy and free in their bodies.

You can reduce or eliminate your pain - and Lou and I want to help you feel better.

Click Here to Learn more about How to End your tummy troubles with my favorite probiotics!!

Check this out Collagen protein for healthy skin and joint health!!


I'm just a slow food girl in a fast food world


Reveal Yourself, Discover Your Self