Past Detox Client Lowers Cholesterol!

I'm always thrilled to hear about my past clients' success stories, and wanted to share an email I just received:"Hi Alex,I was a participant in your January Detox Tele-class.  We had discussed my cholesterol during my one on one with you and you were interested in hearing results of how my diet change has affected my readings.  To give you a quick background, I was diagnosed with high cholesterol late in 2004 - my total cholesterol at that time was 375 with the LDL at 281.  I tried diet and exercise and with running every day had my total cholesterol in 2006 at 269 with the LDL at 179.  I went on meds and my reading in September 2009 was at 262 with and LDL of 150. (I became vegetarian Feb 2008)So the big news - three months after my detox with you and "mostly eliminating dairy" from my diet - my total cholesterol is at 205 with my LDL at 119...I believe the detox and elimination of dairy has had a big effect.Thank you - thank you for helping me find a healthy AND satisfying diet.Best regards,Christine D."Heart disease is still one of the top killers of American women. High blood cholesterol levels are a major indication that you could be on the road to heart disease, and proper diet plays a big role in changing those cholesterol levels.The beauty of Christine's story is that she experienced such wonderful results (including weight loss and reduced congestion) with such simple dietary changes.Here's to your health!Alexandra


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