Raw Chocolate Heaven Dip

When I worked in advertising, I heard this mantra a lot : “K.I.S.S.” This stands for Keep It Simple, Stupid! Sometimes the simplest ingredients can yield the most satisfying results. A case in point, Raw Chocolate Heaven Dip. Please to enjoy.Preparation Time: 5 minutesYield: 2 servings½ cup almond, peanut or cashew butter (unsweetened, unsalted)3 tablespoons brown rice or raw agave nectar3 tablespoons raw cocoa powderscant pinch sea saltOptional fruit for dipping: apple slices, peeled orange segments, or spread on banana slices with a knife

  1. Combine all of the ingredients in a small mixing bowl.
  2. Using the back of a rubber spatula or spoonula, cream the ingredients together until completely mixed.
  3. Serve with sliced fruit for dipping.

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