Announcement: Red Hot Hearts - Women’s Cardiovascular Health & Detox Tele-Series Begins 2/15/11

"Create delicious vitality every day and heal your body with Alexandra Jamieson"

Your New Year's Resolutions are right around the corner -Are you promising yourself you're going to eat better? Save money? Read all of Shakespeare's sonnets? Join a gym? Give up smoking? Are you going to take care of your cardiovascular health so you can avoid the #1 cause of death of women in the Wester World?Wait - what was that last one?It's true - heart disease is still the #1 cause of death for women, and it doesn't have to be that way. Most of the contributing factors to heart disease are lifestyle and diet related - which is good news! We can change things and heal ourselves. Just because your family has a history of heart disease doesn't mean you have to suffer the same fate. To borrow a line from the Terminator movies, "No Fate But What We Make!"That's why I'm offering this special tele-class for women's cardiovascular health. It's called Red Hot Hearts for a few reasons:1. We're kicking it off the day after Valentine's Day, Tuesday, February 15th.2. Women are born with a need to be loved and never outgrow it - and by loving your body and feeding it foods that heal, support, and strengthen it, you will go on to create amazing things.3. Improving a woman's heart health has incredible side effects including, but not limited to, weight loss, increased energy, clear skin, better digestion, stronger hair & nails...4. I adore working with women who are up to something. They have a feeling that there is something more, that their brilliance is lurking just below the surface, and they just need help finding a way through the layers to discover their true power. Women love fiercely when they aren't blocked from their inner strength. Getting healthy, including foods that will heal and removing toxic foods that drain their energy can, and will, empower these women to grow their hearts red hot while losing weight, improving their sleep, reducing pain, increasing circulation, improving their skin quality, and healing their cardiovascular system.Over the course of 8 weeks, beginning the day after Valentine's day,  I'll be leading a group of 20 women via telephone through a transformational, fun, and delicious program.Not only will I be offering this tele-course to 20 women, but I've decided to reduce my normal price in half so that I can work with women who really want to feel better and heal, but haven't been able to afford my, or other holistic, services before. This program will be offered for $348 for the 8 week program.I'm passionate about helping women to transform their health so they can take back their natural power and go on to create great change in the world. When you get a group of women together to focus their energy on a specific topic, issue, or problem to overcome, watch out! Magic can happen and mountains will be moved.The program will include a special members-only online classroom, an e-group for member's questions and comments, as well as recipes, menu planning, and materials.As a special bonus, I'm offering my famous Detox Box which includes signed copies of my book The Great American Detox, CDs covering holistic health topics, and special natural health products to anyone who signs up before February 5th! This box is worth over $100, so you'll be getting a great deal.Ready to sign up? Go here now...Not sure if you're ready to sign up? Send me and email and we'll talk:

"Love is, above all, the gift of oneself."  ~Jean Anouilh


Delicious Dips For Heart Health


Hawaiian Tempeh & Spicy Pineapple Recipe From Vegan Cooking For Dummies