Roast Pineapple with Cinnamon

I love sweet, and I love simple recipes. And I love avoiding added sugars without using up my willpower.When I go to my favorite lunch spot, Hu Kitchen, in New York City, I always get a side of their roasted cinnamon pineapple to go with my grass fed meatloaf...The simple, spicy sweetness is so satisfying I can easily walk past the display of chocolate bars and not bat an eye: once my tongue has had it's fill of this sweet pineapple goodness, my sweet tooth is sated.If you crave sweet: welcome to the club! Humans are born loving sweet things - in fact, it's the only food preference we're born with. Every other taste preference is learned. Sweet foods found in nature are safe to eat, and mother's milk is sweet, which makes us want to nurse more and thrive.So you can leave the shame about sweet cravings behind!When you want something sweet, something that won't hurt your body or destroy your healthy eating desires, roasted pineapple is a great choice.


2 cups cubed pineapple1-2 teaspoons cinnamon



  1. preheat oven to 450.
  2. Toss pineapple with cinnamon and spread out on a lined baking sheet.
  3. Roast for 12-15 minutes, until pineapple begins to brown.
  4. Eat! Enjoy, share!

Benefits of Pineapple:

High in the anti-inflammatory enzyme bromelain, which aids digestion of starches and proteins. Protects against foreign microbes, diseased cells and intestinal parasites. High in manganese, essential component of digestive enzymes.Now, toss that pineapple with some cinnamon? You've got a powerhouse treat:Benefits of Cinnamon:Warming, supportive of lungs, kidney, heart, and uterus. Helps reduce intestinal gas and improves digestion. The aroma is calming...but Cinnabon knows that already. Remember...Your cravings aren't good or bad, they're just information.You can honor your body, rather than judge her, and give her healthy, delicious food that nourishes your life and your energy.I hope you'll keep coming back for more inspiration and recipes.

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