Sporty, Pretty, Insulated? Win A Polar Bottle! #20til40

I think we all need more pretty in our life - and more water!I can't give you this stained glass window that my artist grannie and I made together - it's one of my prized possessions - but I can give you this awesome sports bottle from Polar Bottles!Polar Bottle Give Away! As I get older, wiser, and way more sexy (If I do say so myself!) I find staying hydrated is WAY more important:

  • to ensure proper pooping (you know - elimination)
  • to keep fine lines and wrinkles at bay
  • to stop from craving the iced decaf lattes I used to live on

I'm turning 40 in 15 days, I NEVER leave the house without a water bottle.

I want YOU to be hydrated, and to send you a pretty non-toxic water bottle from my pals at @PolarBottle!

Just enter below as many times as you want!

a Rafflecopter giveawayAlex wants you to be hydrated! Win this Polar Bottle! xox   


Win my book and more from my grrls at Tue/Night:


Clean, beautiful, simple: Soma Water Pitcher Give Away! #20til40