Story of Becoming a Settled, Present, Calm Leader

I’ve worked with K a few times over the years, and she recently reached out to start up again.

Last year she achieved a big goal: 

After working to become one of the top 10 salespeople in her entire company, she pitched herself for, and won, a new roll in Europe. She moved herself and her family across the world, and began to settle into a new country, new leadership position, and new life.

Last week we spoke and she was feeling a massive paradox that I see in successful, smart women a lot:

  • She has achieved a lot, yet she wants more. 
  • And she doesn’t feel like she can handle what it will take to get to the next stage she envisions.
  • She wants to feel settled, present, and calm as she goes through this massive shift in her life circumstances and work.

Things are moving fast, and she's frustrated by being in her head ALL. THE. TIME. The constant worry and over-analyzing was diminishing her capabilities to be effective and feel at ease with the flow of big decisions.

Contrary to what you might think, our session wasn’t about strategy and time management. Instead, we focused on 

  • getting her back into her body
  • quietinging her mind, and 
  • reconnecting her with her strengths and internal resources.

From this place of calm groundedness, her mind works more creatively, and effectively. She makes better decisions, faster. She sees new solutions to life and business issues clearly. She is able to feel her worth and how she can contribute to the people around her.

At the end of our session K’s energy had completely shifted. She felt ready, settled, present, and calm. She felt capable to take on her next goals. She was reconnected with her truth: that she has strengths, abilities, and knows what she wants. She wanted to feel satisfied, and like her unique abilities, her essence, are worthy in helping the work she cares about.

And so it shall be.

This is just a piece of the work I do with my Elite Creatrix clients. 

  • Personalized body-mind-spirit centering practices, tailored to her unique situation, career, and lifestyle.
  • Leadership and emotional intelligence skills needed to intensify focus, manage stress, harness creativity and improve resilience.
  • Positive psychology and nutritional guidance for high-performers
  • Support to flow through the high-stress situation with grounded energy practices

As a result she, and driven women like her, achieve better self-awareness, improved communication skills and lead with confidence and compassion. It all adds up to a greater well-being, more success, and happiness.

She maintains her center, her self-worth, and self-love, even as she climbs higher on that ladder.

Apply here to work with me in this high-level approach now:


Tiny Acts of Courage = BIG Confidence


How The Creatrix Ends Imposter Syndrome