Summer Breakfast Simplified

I'll admit - sometimes breakfast is a chore. With getting myself and another human cleaned, dressed, prepared for the day and out the door, proper nutrition can feel burdonsome.These last few weeks as summer's boundy has blossomed, I've been relying on a super easy breakfast combo:1 cup protein/complex carb (Wildwood unsweetened soy yogurt or leftover cooked grains)1 cup seasonal/local fruit (blackberries, peaches, cherries, etc)1/4 cup nuts or seeds (love walnuts for the Omega-3's and sunflower seeds for fiber and iron - both are great protein)I simply mix everything together and try to eat slowly and consciously - devoting at least 5 minutes to chewing and sitting calmly as opposed to standing, walking, or cleaning while eating. The less you do while eating the better. If you focus on your food, without distractions like texting or tv, you'll feel full faster and enjoy the subtle flavors more.Be well,Alexandra


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