The Gratitude Game

You might not feel thankful for what you have right now -Maybe you're stuck in a repetitive cycle of "I don't like my body - it's feeling tired, and pained, and I don't like how I feel." or"Why can't I lose those last 10 pounds?" or even"Why is my body always doing stupid thing like craving sugar?!" I've been in that head space before - thinking myself in circles about what I'm eating, how my body doesn't feel the way I think it should, and how there are so many women who are better looking than me - that they've figured it out, and I don't have a clue.The good news is, you're not alone - welcome to the human race!Your brain is often working against your hopeful, happy goals of peace, health and abundance, while your body is just trying to keep up with the daily grind, metabolizing your food, breathing, circulating, moving, standing, and all the other million actions it must undertake on a daily basis - it does so much stuff you don't even know about, and here you are beating up on it for not fitting into a size 2 dress!I'm not saying you're doing anything wrong or bad - because you're not.The cool thing is, you can start to play a different game with your mind and body, which may actually help you start to feel calm, lose weight, and feel amazing.It's called The Gratitude Game.The rules are simple:1. When you catch your reflection in the mirror, say "Wow! My body is amazing! I've been breathing and my heart has been beating all day without me even thinking about it!" 2. When you find yourself tired at your desk, with your eyes feeling heavy, and just wanting to go home to a big bag of potato chips, stretch your arms up long over your head, feel your sides stretching, and think "Thank you body! You are getting so much work done today!"3. When you get home and put your finally put your feet up after a long day, place your hand on your stomach and breath deeply down into your gut. Imagine a warm, pink light glowing inside you, from that place of creativity, power, and productivity that is your gut and lower belly. Feel the love and gratitude that you have for being alive - because this moment is all there is. Just you and your amazing body.  


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