Walking to Heal. My emotional + physical cravings story.

This weekend I went for a “hike” the Santa Monica mountains.You could call it a soul stroll.Walking to Heal.I've lived in New York City for 15 years and love my city. But nature is my spiritual practice.It's where I feel connected, supported, and most alive.Walking along the rainy path, no other humans around, smelling the intoxicating dampness of Eucalyptus leaves, feeling the gravity of the earth, hearing the birds talk to each other, watching the mist rise and melt away from the hills, tears began streaming down my cheeks.Walking, quietly, no distractions, and just being.How often do we get to do that? We humans are physical and emotional creatures. We are built this way.Sadly, most of us grow up to think our bodies, our physical desires, and our emotions are “wrong,” or out of whack, or just, “too much.” We all need time to move, and feel. When we allow emotions to move through us, especially as we move our bodies, a healing release can rise up and allow us to love ourselves. On this walk, I got a bone-deep feeling that I’m enough. Just enough. That nature is perfect, and allows for the ebb and flow of our energy and emotions. I got that we all need time to heal, that we all deserve whatever cravings are coming up for us. Cravings for time, quiet, food, physical enjoyment, contemplation, rest. It’s all inherently good. And so are we.I came upon this path marker:Resting To Heal.  The trails were mostly closed to allow for nature to do her work of healing the ground, and I marveled at the wisdom of Mother Nature and the parks employees.She needs quiet rest to heal. It’s winter here in the USA, after all. This time of year has us all turning inward, feeling into our roots, and nature mirrors that need in us.Sometimes we all need quiet rest, closing down, and stillness to allow the miracle of nature to do her work.

 Your human body is so wise, so capable. You deserve quiet rest, and if you crave it, I encourage you to take the time for yourself. Healing is sometimes dynamic and fast, but often it's quiet and slow. Click to Tweet This: 

You deserve it, that quiet, contemplative time alone, if you want it. Either in a church or on a nature trail.There is healing there for you, and it's valid to want it.

I want to hear from you in the comments below - are you a "spiritual mover" like me? Do you consider yourself divinely connected and directed? How do you honor that?

***I’ve been hearing from so many new readers who just read Women, Food, And Desire, and wanted to share what they’re saying and seeing:“If there is a women and food book out there, I've read it. I totally appreciate Alexandra's approach to food. She just gets it on so many levels. The book is upbeat and positive. It is the first time I've read one of these books and actually FELT GOOD ABOUT MYSELF. Seriously. I am having fun shopping and cooking without all of the stress and pressure. I feel good, and I am making better choices because of it. I love love love all the supplemental materials that come with the book. I bought the eBook so I've been clicking away. It is one of those books you'll read and want to give to all of your friends. Thank you Alexandra for writing this book. What a great way to start the off the new year.” ~ A, on Amazon “I thought I wanted a hot fudge, caramel sundae on way home from a meeting....got in drive through line only to realize I didn't have my wallet. Drove straight home and drank some warm tea instead! Guess what, I didn't REALLY need a sundae and thank goodness did not eat one!” ~ S.A., Women, Food, And Desire Facebook Group “This book has me seeing myself and habits with new eyes and I sense a real transformation on the horizon that has moved me to tears. Alexandra does what few people can: she actually shows you how to get to the root of your self-care challenges and transform them. Not through some weird, complicated diet, but through simple, wise and practical steps that speak to your soul's deepest yearning. For real! Get this book. It's about so much more than food. It's for your entire life.” ~ Karin Witzig Rozell, Amazon.com reviewTo order your copy, go here: http://alexandrajamieson.com/wfdorderbonus/Email us your receipt and we’ll send you access to 8 incredible bonus resources.xo,AlexCheck this out Stop self-sabotage recording!!Learn more about Positive Psychology Certification program!! 


My Interview with @SexWithEmily on "Men & Meatballs" (AKA Women, Food, And Desire)


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