WebMD Recommends Suspect Foods for Weight Loss

In her article titled “13 Diet Foods Worth Buying” Elaine Magee, MPH, RD offers her topsuggestions for low calorie foods to use for weight loss.  As I read the WebMD expert's list and saw that, as she described,  “all [the foods] are lower in calories, and all are pretty tasty,” I was curious about the actual ingredients in some of these foods. I was dismayed at what I saw.The products that food expert Magee recommended contain hidden MSG, high fructose corn syrup, and aspartame. These ingredients can cause health problems over time and should be avoided.Here’s what I saw:Boca Original Meatless Chick’n Patties – contain non-organic (therefore it’s GMO) soy, as well as yeast extract which most likely is hiding MSG. Coca-Cola Zero (regular or cherry flavor) – which contains phosphoric acid, aspartame, and potassium benzoate. Phosphoric acid is believed by many health experts to leach calcium out of bones. Low Calorie G2 Electrolyte Beverage (by Gatorade), Fruit Punch flavor – contains high fructose corn syrupLet's tackle the aspartame first, shall we? This artificial sweetener floods your nervous system and can cause excessive firing of brain neurons leading to headaches, mental confusion, dizziness and seizures. Aspects of aspartame also break down into formaldehyde, which causes cancer in humans.Aspartame is found in over 6,000 food, supplement, and beverage products in the United States. You can find it branded as NutraSweet and Equal. I encourage you to remove any products from your house or diet that contain this dangerous ingredient.Several of the products on the WebMD list also contained non-organic dairy products, which are likely from cows fed antibiotics and growth hormones. The quality of these “diet foods” is very poor. They’re mostly packaged, processed, and refined foods.A few contain “natural and artificial flavors,” which can contain tar and preservatives that act as neurotoxins. The label "natural and artificial flavors" should bring up a red flag. MSG may be legally labelled "natural flavors" in order to hide it. Healthy natural flavors exist, but some are excitotoxins or neurotoxins. A common ingredient you’ll see in this category is "hydrolyzed soy protein." This "natural flavor" is just like MSG, or monosodium glutamate. MSG has been proven to break down the blood-brain barrier and over-stimulates, or “excite” the neurons of a brain to a dangerous degree. Frequent consumption in mammals has shown the development of tumors, memory loss, and a whole host of neurodegenerative diseases as the end result of excess excitotoxin intake, including Alzhiemer's, Parkenson's, Lou Gerhig's etc.For more information on MSG and other excitotoxins that may be lurking in your food (and on Elaine Magee’s recommended food lists), get yourself a copy of Russell Blaylock's book:Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills by Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.Also, MSG is suspected of causing compulsive eating, leading people to want more and more food. You wonder where that old joke about getting hungry an hour after eating Chinese take-out came from? It’s the MSG, baby.To wrap this all up, please avoid any foods that contain MSG, high fructose corn syrup, or aspartame. Be good to your body, feed it fresh food that it can understand, and don't poison it with these "diet foods."Be well,Alexandra


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