What happens when you indulge in your cravings? Wonderfulness...

I gave myself everything I wanted this morning. I accepted an offer of help…I ate what my body craved…I cared for and clothed my body to feel good & ready…I listened to the sounds my ears yearned for…And now I feel ready, and strong, creative, and grateful.WomanI haven’t always treated myself so nicely.I used to rush through almost every moment of my day, ignoring my desires and even basic needs. I rushed because I thought I needed to get somewhere else, that how I was in the moment wasn’t important. And my body started to get tired, my brain unfocused, and my heart a tad bitter. Working harder and harder wasn’t making me happier, and I got to the point where I realized I wasn’t living my life. I was waiting and working for something else instead of enjoying what I had. So I made some small changes.Inspired by other people I admire, people I liked a lot and look up to – you know those people who seem to have it all figured out and float through life successfully?Those men you adore and women you have girl-crushes on? I started looking and listening for clues when in their presence. I looked for how they lived that brought them so much joy, peace, fun, success, and realness. I looked and realized that they took things slow.They are single-taskers, not multi-taskers.They wear clothes that make them feel good and good-looking.They spend their time doing things that light them up.When they have “chores” or “duties” they look for the fun in every task.They make their beds as a juicy ritual.They hire out tasks that are best done by someone else.They laugh a lot.They eat well, and healthfully.They dance. So I started small, and have been building up.And today, I’ve acted the way I want to feel. …Instead of “doing my duty as a mom” I let my partner take my son to school, freeing up my morning. …Instead of throwing on the comfy yoga pants and sitting right down to work, I showered, put up my hair and chose a pretty outfit.…Rather than get cranked up on caffeine, I boosted my energy with a few yoga stretches, hot herbal tea, and a green smoothie…As opposed to leaving the dishes in the sink, I cleaned up the kitchen which helps my energy and life feel managed. It’s the small things that make me feel capable.It’s the little gifts that create a healthy life. What can you give yourself right now to help you feel in control, talented, and loved?Check this out Cravings Chart!!Click and Learn more about Fitness or Movement Inspiration with Erin Stutland + Shrink Sessions!Xo,Alex


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