What's a Fit Bit? You Could Win This Cool Gadget!

My first introduction to the Fit Bit was when I met up with an ex-client for tea. She took it out of her pocket and said "Have you seen the Fit Bit yet?" She explained how she had been using it as a podometer, but that it also tracked her sleeping patterns and food intake. After using it for a few weeks and using the website to log her food intake, she finally saw that drinking 1 or 2 glasses of wine was causing her sleep disruptions. We had talked about alcohol being an issue when it comes to truly restful sleep, but the non-judgmental facts of her patterns were illuminating for her.I thought, now this is something I can get excited about! I got in touch with the company and they agreed to let me try the Fit Bit. I've been wearing it for about 2 weeks now, and I'm going to share my experiences via YouTube videos so you can see how it works and what I discover. Watch the first video here:I'm announcing a special contest to win this awesome new gadget on my blog: Just leave comments here on this post about why you think a Fit Bit would help you reach your health and wellness goals by 5/14 and you could be chosen to receive your own device!


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