Winter Salads: Waste Not Want Not, Cauliflower Leaves

Don't throw out those cauliflower leaves!You know those leaves that frame the white, pillowy florets we love eating?They're edible, too!Just peel them off the florets, wash them, dry them, and thinly slice them."You mean I've been throwing away good greens all these years?!" you ask...YES! The vitamins are just as high in the leaf as in the head,and 1/2 cup of cauliflower (leaves or white florets) contains half of your daily Vitamin C and are super high in fiber.AND cauliflower is part of the cancer-fighting cruciferous family, so hit your antioxidant quota with this simple trick.Here's what I did this week while I was steaming the florets:Slice the leaves up thinly and toss with freshly shredded carrot.Drizzle with olive oil, a little lemon juice or umeboshi vinegar, and sprinkle with good sea salt.Toss. Eat. Done.Learn more 5 Ways to Master Your Inner Bitch Brain!!Check this out Positive Psychology Certification program!shredded cauliflower salad Alex Jamieson


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