Women's magazines + the Diet Industrial Complex

Women's magazines are a big part of what I'm calling the "diet industrial complex," the overlap of media, food, and health experts that have set us up to be totally body and food obsessed, while disconnecting us from the connection to our bodies. When you are raised in this culture, you have little chance of listening to your body and trusting "her."womans worldThe covers feature extreme diets to lose weight quickly, right next to food porn images of unhealthy meals. 

What we see with our eyes effects our health as much as what we eat. Be wary of what media you consume. CLICK TO TWEET! 


Learn more about What do your PMS cravings mean?!Check this out Fix My Period (hormonal health/women)!!


Does how you think matter as much as what you eat?


My Interview with @SexWithEmily on "Men & Meatballs" (AKA Women, Food, And Desire)