You want it all.

You want it all. The energy, the joy, and the passion for life – every day.Instead of feeling tired, unsatisfied, and hating your’d like some ease, some peace with food, and WAY more fun.“I want to feel confident and not stress about my food choices anymore.”“I’d love more energy to play with my (grand)kids.”“I’d like to crave healthy foods that will help me drop the baby weight instead of craving the junk that keeps it on.”“I’m sick of this – I want to finally make my needs a priority.”“I need help getting control of my sugar cravings.”These are all exact quotes. These are the reasons why women are joining the Reboot this month.Yes, they want to drop the pounds. But they also know that their desires for a happy life are more than just about some numbers on a scale.It's about what you can create in your life. How well, happy and confident you can feel in your body.On your last day, when you look back on your life, will you think:"I let my weight and health get in the way of what I really wanted…- energy and stamina to play with my grand kids - creating a business I loved - writing that book - moving to that place - starting my career over in my middle age - leaving that relationship that wasn't the right fit - going after that relationship that might have been - getting out of bed with a smile on my face more - living the life I know I wantedThis is why I created the Rapid Refresh & Reboot 5-week tele-course.This simple, guided immersion into vitality has lead over 100 women to a life of ease and a body they loved living in.Every Tuesday at 9pm Eastern we’ll all call into one tele-conference line. I’ll give you a few insights about how your cravings for sugar and other sabotaging junk food can transform, how to easily change your food and lifestyle habits, and give you step-by-step Action Steps every week to make a fulfilling diet of healthy delicious food a reality for you.How will we do this?I’ve created simple diagrams and strategies I call my Cravings Cure Curriculum. These simple steps will help you track the triggers that keep you going back for the exact foods that keep the extra weight on, keep your brain tired, and your mood ping-ponging around.Then, I’ll show you how to easily swap out the old habits for new ones – in a way that tricks the brain and body into doing exactly what you should do, without trying to force your willpower into overdrive.This training is also important in creating an exercise habit and finally sticking to it.You can also use this to simple habit transformation to end destructive actions like smoking or nail biting.If you’re ready to jump in with me and the other members who are already gearing up for the first class on 2/26 at 9pm ET, click here to sign up:If you have questions, write me with whatever else you need to know: info@alexandrajamieson.comTalk soon, AlexP.S. Everyone who joins gets the opportunity to speak with me in a private coaching call during the 5-week course – a value of $189. Click here to join now: Learn more about My favorite probiotics for gut health!Positive Psychology Certification program


Gluten-Free Scones: Delicious & Easy? Bake on!


Jennifer rebooted her body & loved my program!