Your cravings MATTER

Your body is talking to you…you1Are you listening?It’s telling you your truth.Do you hear it?Maybe, but you may not understand the message at first.You think you’re addicted to sugar.Or coffee.Or fat, or salt or any of the other foods you think you can’t stop eating.You think you’re weak and lack the willpower to ignore the cravings.I’m telling you to listen to them.Have you ever just sat down, and felt into those cravings?Try it.I promise you’ll be ok.Feeling a craving, feeling a hurt, or feeling any emotion won’t really hurt you.Let the uncomfortable feelings and emotions well up in you.When you just sit with them and watch, feel and listen to those cravings,without judging them as bad, you will start to dissolve them.Sit with it.Maybe you’re at your desk or on the couch late at night.Feel them.Your body - is it really asking for the food, the sugar, the whatever?What is your body really asking for?What is the true message beneath the craving?Because there is a bigger, deeper, golden message there.Your body is your GPS.It has always been telling you what you need.Messages telling you to love someone.Hints that you should do move now.Pains that tell you you’re doing things to yourself that you just know aren’t serving you anymore.Those pains and hints are like a blueprint from your body, your real self.Your body doesn’t lie.It’s always telling you the truth.Can you listen?Or are you afraid of what you may hear?Worried that the truth is so big, so profound, will require you to make such great changes in your life that everything you thought you knew about what you wanted is wrong?I’m here to tell you it’s ok.It’s safe to hear the messages.It’s safe to listen to your body, no matter what she (or he) may be telling you.Not only is it safe, because you will always be ok, as long as you really listen to her,you’ll actually gain clarity and insights about your life that you had only dreamed of.I believe your cravings are your most profound guide in life.But they’re scary because we’ve either:a. never been taught to tune into the messages, feelings or frequencies that our physical self is speaking, have been told, from an early age, that your body is WRONG, not good enough, wants the wrong things, should be ignored, is too something or not enough.I call bullshit.Your body is magical.It is a miracle.Your body is YOU and your are GOOD.And until you start listening into the cravings for the bigger, grander, message you won’t have the life and body you really want.The life and body you deserve.A life of healthy movement and easy freedom.A happy body filled with energy.A body that looks and feels good, every day, because you love it, listen to it and treat it so well, that you just can’t NOT take care of her.Because she is YOU.So I offer you this:permission.An agreement between us do do something. Just to listen.(I know I sometimes need permission from someone who cares to do what I need to do)I’m here offering you permission to listen to your gut, listen to your body, and head the call.What do you hear?What is your body sharing with you?What does she say?Can you just hear it, feel it, see it?Just listen.You don’t need to do anything.Just hear it.What do you hear?Whatever you hear, whatever truth your body reveals, just listen.Write it down, share it, keep it safe in your heart, declare it or write it in the sand.It doesn’t matter.Just hear it.This is your first step.What do you hear? Check this out What’s your cravings type?Learn more about 21 Day Sugar Detox!


Why I care about resilience & you should too (and how to grow it)


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